The Myth of Gun Control — Another View On Gun Control


Before I dwell into my story let me first state that I do not allow any political party to influence my thoughts.  Especially opinions that I feel are important to me and directly affect me personally.  I try to use common sense when approaching all issues.  Let me stated also that I am in agreement with the position that both Fox News and the Republican Party has towards gun control.  Even though I am in agreement with them that doesn’t mean I believe in their every stance and/or position.  In fact, in most cases I find both Fox News and the Republican Party are both full of crap and are in bed together way too much.

There is a serious need to have a critical discussion regarding gun ownership in the US.  Just because I might agree with the statement a certain media or a political party might make doesn’t mean that I am wrong or the issue is receiving fair treatment.  In my opinion, the media is portraying the issue of gun control lopsided and one dimensional.  Taking arms away can only move this nation closer to a dictatorship.  The picture the media paints is one that generally relays the message that there are no American citizens competent enough to use a gun (the exception being in the Military or working in law enforcement).  Yes there are tragedies that do involve guns and children. I also agree that it shouldn’t be happening. Any death by any means, accidental or on purpose, is a tragedy.  However, I would like to expose the other side of this issue for a healthy discourse for the reason why having the right to bare arms is necessary.

There is much debate going on in regard to the second amendment, as well as the interpretation of that amendment.  A little common sense and facts are needed to cut to the chase.  There are many of unheard laws that people who own guns must abide by.  Unfortunately, the laws for gun ownership by far out number the stories the media produces on gun violence.  Most of those whom I have personally come into contact with that own guns own them for one or more of the reasons listed below.

  1. personal protection
  2. shoot as a hobby
  3. hunting
  4. advocate of the second amendment rights

First off we must accept an undeniable fact that guns are not going away any time soon.  Even if guns were banned or the government made owning guns illegal, guns will not be going away. Secondly, there will always be unnecessary deaths due to misuse and fools using them in foolish manners.  Compiling more regulation on the lawful use of fire arms is not always the answer.

Today there are gun controls in place that ban convicted felons to use or own a gun. In fact there are regulations that ban people convicted of certain misdemeanors from owning guns. More regulations are in place to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable.  There are many places now that ban any weapons on their property.  You have to be at least 18 years old to own a gun.  To get a concealed carry permit (in Ohio for example), one must go through a week long class on personal protection and fire arms safety, including training at a shooting range. Then you must complete a detailed application for the sheriff for approval.

To show how regulations really don’t work, to this date there is no state in America that allows for a person to own fully automatic weapons, but are they used to commit crimes?  Indeed they are. For example one must remember the bank robbery in Holloywood several years ago and fully automatic weapons were used in the commission of that crime.  Statistics show that there are millions of people owning fully automatic weapons in America.

The untold story of the failure for controlling the criminal and misuse of guns is evident in the lack of courts to prosecute such cases.  Way too often gun violations are dropped over the preference to prosecute drug convictions.  The failed war on drugs often takes precedence over crimes committed with guns.  Sentencing is disproportionately heavier for drug charges than for gun violence.  That is happening on a wide scale and has had no media coverage.

So would tighter gun controls be affective?  Statistics are against that idea.  Cities in America, such as Chicago and others have an out right ban on semi-automatic and hand guns.  But in reality, crimes committed with guns have spiraled.  Making it harder for the citizens of America to own guns will discourage gun ownership and leave the guns in the hands of only law enforcement and criminals.  In effect should that become the case, law abiding citizens will become either a subject or a victim.  God help us if the government, law enforcement and criminals become the only ones allowed to carry guns.  If it were not for certain groups who stood up against the evil in this country and carried guns even illegally, we might be in worse shape.  It brings to mind the Black Panther organization in the 60’s and 70’s.  I am most glad that they had a hand in fighting the evil of racism against the government and against groups such as the KKK of that day.  The truth is that hate is still alive.  It is perpetrated by various local governments and many of the citizens.

I would ask that the readers of this article use a little common sense when it comes to approaching the important issues regarding gun regulations and gun ownership.  Slanted and opinionated reporting by the mainstream media is running rampant on this particular topic.  Common sense should dictate that gun control is necessary, but banning guns would be unconstitutional.  In my reading of President Obama positions regarding gun ownership he supports it and, thankfully, is not for more regulation.

Gun control is a method that is being used to impose the prevention of widespread civil unrest that is currently erupting in America over the whole issue.  People on both sides of the gun control issue know that is what is really going on.  Both sides are in denial.  You have the enraged gun owning group waiting and yet determined to hold on to their guns and are forced to deny gun control, because to deny it is to ignore that owning a gun might become a criminal act.  Then the group that is trying to confiscate the guns to immobilize potential revolt, deny it because talking about the issue both would reveal their agenda and might lead to an articulate clarification that could become a motivating rallying point that would draw substantial new members to the prerevolutionary condition.

The condition of angry dissatisfaction and political unrest is such that the government can no longer allow people to own guns while it continues to impose the reasons for that dissatisfaction.

Gun control is dangerous for a number of serious reasons.  The imposition of gun control in America would be a dangerous acceptance of the irrational arguments demanding its imposition, further creating a society where reality is displaced by irrationality and hysteria. That’s an unwise idea.

Gun control is dangerous for the same reasons gun control advocates say it is necessary. As a statistical fact, in the last 35 years America has become a land filled with violence and madness. As a further statistical fact, by far the predominant amount of that violence is not committed with guns.  The absolute prohibition of guns would not eliminate the violence, but would only render victims incapable of defense.

Perhaps most importantly, gun control is used:

  • To hide an existent condition of madness in America;
  • To hide a condition of imposed pervasive madness in America;
  • To repress the consequences of imposing an agenda of increased pervasive madness in America, while simultaneously prohibiting all reactive options except acquiescent compliant desperation and conformity.

The gun problem in America is not a problem with guns, but with madness and disrespect for other people.

The gun ownership issue should be removed from the political arena as the abortion issue also should.  There is no debate.  The government of a so called free society has no rights in disarming law abiding citizens.  Just as it has no right to dictate with laws what a woman can do with her body when it comes to the right to have an abortion.

 written by:  chamay0 and ggita56:  for “The Last Post of Sanity”

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